
Dieting Isn’t Always the Answer

Many people reach a point in their lives and think to themselves ‘I should go on a diet.’ Because dieting is restricted eating, there are cases where that might be true. But a diet might not always be the right answer because there are plenty of side effects that go along with being on a diet. The desired effect is weight loss, true, but if the body ends up complaining and your spirit feel beaten, then the end did not justify the means.

Dieting can have several mental and health consequences that might stick with you for a long time.

Your brain forgets about your body

To be on a diet and be successful about it means to train your mind to ignore every feeling of hunger and desire for food. That can lead to several problems, such as not realizing when you’re full once the restrictions have been lifted, or not knowing when you really need to eat because you’re used to hunger as a normal feeling. If long-term weight regulation is your goal then this can be a serious problem in the future.

Loss of willpower

When you’re on an extended and difficult diet, restricting eating can chip away your willpower because restricting food and eating habits is not easy for everybody. This can lead to mental fatigue, much like a regular muscle being overused and then incapable of regular usage. The mind works similarly, and if that happens then when faced with a problem that requires willpower you might have a problem solving or overcoming it.

It slows down your metabolism

Losing a lot of weight rapidly can lead to metabolism slowdown, because it’s very difficult to lose fat without losing muscle mass. Once the diet ends or its restrictions loosen, it can cause for a dieter to gain weight back almost immediately but this time in the form of fat. That’s why slow but steady weight loss is much more encouraged, for example, through exercise.

Constant discomfort

Being constantly underfed, especially if the body is in shock from sudden rapid weight loss, causes feeling of discomfort. When dieting it’s always there, from mild discomfort to even irritation, aches, and even anger. That’s not easy to bear, and it can turn to a health hazard if the dieter reacts to that discomfort and overeats simply to feel better.

It’s not worth it long-term

Dieting can distract you from the true ways to control weight and be healthier overall. Habits such as exercising and regulating food intake can do wonders for the body and the mind, and cause far less stress, discomfort, and health issues for a person than dieting.

Having a healthy eating regiment, preparing your own meals, and listening to your own body is much better than doing a diet than in the end does more harm to you and your body than the other way around. When dieting you are only making it more difficult for you to achieve your set goals, and you are wasting time and energy that can help you instead of deter you.