Aftercare is an important part of the recovery process for aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. The right aftercare can help patients recover faster, prevent complications and ensure their results last.
Following the doctor’s aftercare instructions and returning for scheduled follow-up appointments is vital. Your doctor is your go-to resource throughout the recovery process, so don’t be afraid to ask them questions if you have any.
Preparation is an important part of any surgical procedure. It ensures that patients are prepared mentally and physically to provide the best results possible for their system.
Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed by plastic surgeons Bellevue to address defects caused by illness, trauma, or birth defects. It can offer various benefits, including increased functionality and improved confidence.
Individuals preparing for cosmetic surgery should discuss their goals with their doctor and set realistic expectations. This will help them feel confident about their decision to undergo the procedure and be more resilient during recovery.
Individuals should also maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet. This will ensure the body is properly nourished before and after the surgery.
It is also important to stop smoking and abstain from alcohol before the procedure, as this can negatively affect healing. This can also help reduce the risk of postoperative complications.
Recovery from a plastic surgery procedure can be painful and uncomfortable. Patients should be prepared to take prescription pain medications as needed.
The length of time that it takes for a patient to recover after a plastic surgery procedure depends on the type of procedure and how well the patient follows their surgeon’s recovery guidelines. However, most patients can go home the same day as their procedure and return to normal activities within one to four weeks of their treatment.
Aftercare is important to ensure that the surgical site heals as quickly and completely as possible, resulting in a smoother, more natural-looking result. Your surgeon will provide a comprehensive recovery plan with specific instructions on the best care for your new body or face.
Postoperative care
Postoperative care is a vital part of recovery. It can help the patient regain mobility earliest and ensure their wound is healed properly.
It also aids in the reduction of tension and anxiety in the patient and their family members, which can be a significant component in their rehabilitation. A professional team of nurses and physiotherapists may support patients with many elements of their treatment, allowing them to recover more quickly and efficiently.
Aesthetic surgery is a form of plastic surgery that tries to improve a person’s face and body attractiveness. Common procedures include tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, chin reshaping, and eyelid surgery.
On the other hand, Reconstructive surgery aims to repair parts of the body that are damaged or have lost function due to trauma, infection, tumors, or disease. It can correct congenital disabilities or inherited deformities, such as craniofacial defects. It can also be used to make the skin appear smoother and firmer.
Recovery from plastic surgery is not a walk in the park. It takes a lot of time and effort to support your body with good nutrition, rest (check out our guide to sleeping better after surgery), low-stress levels, light pampering, and necessary topical and healing products.
A key part of this process is follow-up care. We encourage our patients to contact us immediately with any questions or concerns.
We will see you at a follow-up appointment a week after surgery to review your progress and remove any dressings or non-dissolvable stitches. We will also discuss a gradual return to work or school and provide advice on how best to look after any scars left behind.
A realistic expectation of how their bodies will look after surgery is important for aesthetic and reconstructive surgery patients. This is why thoroughly discussing risks, benefits and outcomes is always part of the pre-operative consultation.