How to Get Rid of Acne Scars and Get Smooth Skin

Acne scars are visual reminders of past blemishes. As your breakouts heal, the body creates new skin tissue – but too much or too little can form scars. The best way to prevent scarring is to keep your hands off your blemishes. Poking, popping, and picking at your acne ruins the healing process and can cause permanent marks.

Know Your Treatment Options

Acne scars can leave noticeable marks that are hard to hide, affecting self-confidence. However, many options for cosmetic treatment can improve the appearance of scarring.

Your treatment will depend on the type and extent of your scarring. Fillers can help indented or atrophic scars, while laser treatments can reduce hyperpigmentation and flatten raised scars. For deep scars, surgical removal may be required. Prevention is the key when it comes to reducing acne scarring. It means avoiding irritating skin, washing and moisturizing regularly, and seeking prompt breakout treatment.

However, it’s important to remember that some acne scars will persist even with preventative measures. For this reason, if you have stubborn scarring that doesn’t fade with over-the-counter or natural remedies, it’s worth seeing a dermatologist for a dermaplaning Virginia Beach about the possibility of medical treatments to help give you smooth, clear skin.

Know Your Type

Millions of individuals worldwide experience acne, which typically occurs after adolescence. It happens when hair follicles and the sebaceous glands (which are responsible for oil production) become clogged with excess oil, bacteria, or dead skin cells.

These clogged pores cause breakouts that can lead to severe acne scarring. Most people will grow out of acne problems in their mid-twenties, but some continue struggling with the blemishes into adulthood. It can be quite frustrating and, in some instances, upsetting to the mind.

Acne scars can be a huge problem, but the good news is that there are many ways to reduce their appearance. Taking preventative measures and using treatment products to fade dark spots can help you regain confidence. Getting to know your type of acne is also very important. It will help you find the right product for your needs, as not all treatments are effective on all types of acne.

Know Your Preventative Measures

Using the right treatment can minimize acne scars, but it’s always better to prevent them in the first place. The classic topical treatments regulate oil production, wipe away the dead skin cells and effectively kill bacteria that cause breakouts.

Some, like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, also target existing acne breakouts to reduce size. Oral medications can also help, particularly when acne is severe or cystic. Inflammation occurs when bacteria invade the pores, causing infection. During the healing process, the body creates collagen to repair the damaged skin.

Pits develop when the body generates too little collagen, while elevated scars develop when it produces too much. Using sunscreen to protect the skin and avoid activities that can irritate it can also help. Over-the-counter dark spot removers that contain hydroquinone can fade the discoloration caused by old acne scars.

Know Your Options

The good news is that while scarring can be permanent, many treatments can significantly reduce its appearance. To prevent scars, always wear sunblock, don’t pick at or squeeze your pimples and treat acne as soon as it forms. It also helps not to smoke, increasing the risk of scarring.

After a breakout, your body tries to repair the damage by making collagen. When it makes too little or too much collagen, you’ll get pits or indentations on the skin. Raised scars are common and difficult to treat because they don’t lay flat against the skin. They often look like ice pick holes or rolling scars, usually found on the cheeks and jaw where the skin is thinner.

To smooth raised scars, a dermatologist can use dermal fillers to add volume. It’s a temporary treatment, but it may help with deeper scars that aren’t easily treated by other methods. Other options include laser resurfacing, which uses heat to stimulate the skin’s natural wound-healing response to create healthy collagen.